Monday, August 13, 2012

Team building | Definition of shrm strategic hr can be defined as the ...

SHRM or strategic human resource management is the study of the human resources or HRM. It is a relatively new field that has arisen from the parent discipline of human resources management. Unsaid, there was a kind of Division of territory between people in the center of HR and harder business values where corporate strategies really belonged. HR practitioners is felt uncomfortable in the war cabinet like atmosphere where business strategies have been formulated.

In human resource (HR) and management circles today discusses resource management much strategic human and many expensive books on the shelves of bookstores can be seen. But what exactly SHRM (strategic human resource development) is, what are its key features, and how does it resource management differ from the traditional human?

Definition of SHRM

Strategic personnel management can be defined as the combination of human resources with strategic objectives to improve business performance and develop organizational culture, the promotion of innovation, flexibility and competitive advantage. In an organization means SHRM accept and reward activities such as recruitment, selection, training and personnel, including the HR function as a strategic partner in the formulation and implementation of strategies of the company by HR.

Differences between SHRM HRM

Many authors in the late 1980s began models clamoring for a more systematic approach to deal with the people as the default method of the traditional management of people or industrial relations. Strategic human resources focuses on human resource programs with long-term goals. Instead of focusing on internal human resource problems, the management and resolution of problems focuses on the effect people management, long term and often global programs. Therefore is the primary goal of the strategic human resources increase the productivity of your employees by focusing on business obstacles that occur outside of the human resources. The primary actions of a strategic human resource manager are important HR areas to identify where strategies in the long term can be implemented, to improve the entire employee motivation and productivity. Communication between HR and the companys top management is crucial, because no collaboration is possible without active participation.

Key features of strategic human resources management

The most important features of SHRM

There is an explicit link between personnel policy and practices and overall organizational strategic goals and the organizational environment

There are some organizing schema link individual HR interventions so that they complement each other

Trends in strategic human resources management

Human resources management experts are increasingly with questions of employee participation, human resource flow, performance management, reward systems, and high commitment work systems in the context of globalisation. Older solutions and recipes, who worked in a local context do not work in an international context. Aspects play an important role here intercultural. Internationalization of market integration.

Rapid technological change.

New concepts of the line and General Administration.

Constantly property and resulting business climates.

Cross cultural issues

The economic gravity from developed, Developing countries

SHRM reflects also some of the most important contemporary challenges human resource management: align HR with core business strategy, demographic trends on employment and labour market, integration of soft skills HRD and finally knowledge management.


Armstrong, M (ed.) 192a) strategies for human resource management: a total business approach. London: Kogan Page

Beer and Spector, B (ed.) (1985) readings in human resource management. New York: Free press

Boxall, P (1992) strategic human resource management: beginnings of a new theoretical sophistication? Human resource management journal, vol. 2 No. 3 Spring.

Fombrun, c.j., Tichy, N, M and Devanna, a. (1984) strategic human resource management. Mintzberg, H, Quinn, J B, Ghoshal, S (198) the strategy process, Prentice Hall.

Truss, C and Gratton, L (1994) strategic human resource management: a conceptual approach , International Journal of human resource management, vol.. 5 No. 3


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